Stew's Spring Awakening

Hearty but not heavy, navarin d'agneau showcases the season's first crop of vegetables and the delicate flavor of milk-fed lamb


My family moved to Paris when I was 11 years old, and what began as a mere love of food quickly turned into a passionate exploration of all things edible. I savored our daily trips to the local markets. The food of course was what enticed—that and my parents' undivided atten-tion (these being the days before iPhones and BlackBerrys)—but there was something else as well that captured my imagination: the theater of it all.

[MegaMeal1] David Prince for The Wall Street Journal, Food Styling by Brett Kurzweil

LIGHT LUXURY: This traditional French stew plays up the flavors of baby turnips and green peas.

To a French cook, marketing is a high-stakes negotiation. It might be over a tomato or a leg of lamb or the last white truffle. But it is never routine, never indifferent. My favorite shopping expeditions were invariably in the spring, when Parisians took to the Marché Boulevard Raspail, a few blocks from our apartment, with the singular mission of securing the ingredients for navarin d'agneau, the French lamb stew that heralds spring.

Navarin d'agneau is the antithesis of a winter stew. It's not meant to offer comfort when the windows are glazed in frost. It's not meant to transform a cheap, tough hunk of meat into something palatable through hours of slow-cooking. It's not meant to be mind-bendingly complex, with a depth of flavor demanding an equally assertive red wine. A navarin d'agneau is a delicate dish, a celebration of spring's tender, milk-fed lambs and the first sweet crop of vegetables. It's elegant, refined and light by French standards—a simple medley of lamb, vegetables and herbs cooked in a flavorful broth that, thanks to the inclusion of potatoes, needs no more than a baguette to accompany it. Cooked for a few hours, the lamb's flavor deepens but remains mild, allowing for a balance of flavors and colors that suggests a spring garden. To be a triumph, each vegetable must taste gloriously of itself. It's a piece of theater—no one must be upstaged, no one buried in the chorus.

I no longer live in France, but, for me, the pleasure in making a navarin d'agneau remains almost as much in the marketing as in the feasting. It's about finding tiny peanut potatoes in the farmers' market, firm pearl onions, carrots so new they're no thicker than a pen, baby turnips, English peas, fresh thyme and, if I can find it, spring garlic. If there are truly good cherry tomatoes to be had, I'll halve them and stir in a pint about 10 minutes before serving the stew. If fresh favas catch my eye, I add them as well. A scattering of young parsley leaves is always colorful, and I don't hesitate to sprinkle on fresh chives or scallions. Really, the only rule to making a navarin is to let spring's bounty be the inspiration and the guide. It's all about what you procure. And while I adhere to the classic technique of caramelizing the meat over high heat with sugar, when it comes to simmering the meat, I prefer the lighter touch of chicken stock to the traditional beef as it complements rather than overwhelms the young vegetables.

It may seem like a paradox to lighten a dish with crème fraîche, but a final swirl gives a tangy freshness to the navarin and draws together the disparate flavors in exquisite harmony.

Navarin D'Agneau

HANDS-ON TIME: 1¼ hrs.



3 tablespoons canola oil
3½ pounds boneless lamb— a selection of shoulder, ribs and breast, cut into 2-inch cubes
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons flour
4 cups chicken broth, preferably homemade
3 tablespoons tomato paste
3 cloves garlic
1 bay leaf
1 bunch fresh thyme
18 pearl onions, peeled
6 carrots, peeled
8 baby turnips
18 tiny potatoes
1½ cups green peas, fresh or frozen
1 pint cherry tomatoes
Crème fraîche to taste, about 1/3 cup
Fleur de sel


A navarin d'agneau is a delicate dish, a celebration of spring's tender, milk-fed lambs and the first sweet crop of vegetables.


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

2. Heat oil in a large skillet. While it's heating, dry lamb with paper towels and season liberally with salt and pepper.

3. Brown the lamb in the hot oil—you will probably need to do this in two batches. Once brown, transfer lamb to a Dutch oven and set over medium-high heat. Once the Dutch oven has heated, sprinkle the lamb with sugar and toss until caramelized, about 3-5 minutes.

4. Sprinkle lamb with flour and toss again. Place Dutch oven in the oven and cook for 5 minutes. Toss the meat and cook for an additional 5 minutes. The lamb should be slightly crusted by now. Remove from oven.

5. Reduce heat to 325 degrees.

6. Add chicken broth to the lamb, along with the tomato paste, garlic, bay leaf and several sprigs of thyme. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Bring broth to a lazy simmer. Cover the pot and return it to the oven. Bake for 2 hours or until the lamb is meltingly tender. Meanwhile, with a paring knife, carve a shallow "x" into the root ends of the pearl onions. Cut carrots lengthwise into matchsticks. Quarter baby turnips.

7. Parboil each of the vegetables separately in boiling salted water until just short of tender. (This will take about 10 minutes for the pearl onions, 10 for the potatoes, 5 for the carrots, 5 for the turnips and 2 for the peas, but cooking times will vary according to the size and age of the vegetables.) Once cooked, plunge vegetables into ice-water to stop them from cooking further.

8. Remove navarin from the oven when ready. Transfer lamb to a bowl. Strain the remaining liquid, discarding the solids. Return meat to Dutch oven. Nestle vegetables and cherry tomatoes around meat. Pour the strained liquid back in. Cover and return to the oven for an additional 10-15 minutes. Off heat, stir in the crème fraîche.

9. Serve in wide bowls, sprinkled with fleur de sel and a scattering of the remaining thyme and any other fresh herbs of your fancy. A crusty baguette is the perfect partner. Follow with a salad of young greens and a selection of cheeses.

好吃: 烧黄鱼

家人很喜欢吃我烧的黄鱼,因为我烧的鱼入味, 而且可以有多种口味的变化, 下面给大家秀几种看看:



配料:很多葱段(12 – 20 段),姜3片,大蒜三瓣, 八角一粒

调料:高汤 1/2杯, 绍兴 酒1汤匙,蒸鱼豉油2汤匙( 根据个人咸淡喜好加减),糖(0.5茶匙)


1. 清理洗好的黄鱼用厨房纸擦干,在鱼表面开浅浅的花刀, 起到入味儿的作用。 然后在鱼的表面薄薄地拍点干粉(淀粉或面粉),把多余的干粉抖掉,可以锁住一些水分, 又可以在煎鱼时让鱼皮不沾

2. 把油烧热了,再把鱼下锅,煎至两面金黄捞起。

3. 锅里留2大勺油,先把姜片和蒜头放到油里炒出香味,然后下很多葱段(, 炒出葱香, 拿出一半葱段留作装盘时用;(这基本是制作葱油的方法,很香的葱油味)

4. 把煎好的鱼放入葱油中, 再加全部调料, 加点水,刚刚和鱼持平可以了(水不要加太多)。

5. 大火烧开鱼汤,再用中火盖盖煮3分钟, 中间给鱼翻一次身(怕鱼碎, 也可以用勺把汤汁舀到鱼身上), 煮至汤收至大半,撒上煎过的葱段,上盘。





调料:高汤 1/2杯, 绍兴 酒1汤匙,香醋1茶匙, 蒸鱼豉油2汤匙(根据个人咸淡喜好加减),糖1.5茶匙。


  1. 用热油炒香葱,姜,蒜, 下木耳, 翻炒几下.

  2. 倒入全部调料,下煎好的鱼,加点水刚刚漫过鱼,大火炒开后转中火炖4分钟后, 给鱼翻个身

  3. 接着煮至汤收一大半,盛出鱼, 把鱼汤勾薄芡,加炒熟的胡萝卜丝和葱丝做装饰, 把汁浇到鱼上即可。




调料:高汤 1/2杯, 绍兴 酒1汤匙,香醋1汤匙, 蒸鱼豉油2汤匙(根据个人咸淡喜好加减),糖1汤匙


  1. 加热两2大匙油, 下蒜瓣和葱姜,炒香后, 放煎好的鱼下去,

  2. 加下全部调料,大火炒开后转中火盖盖炖4分钟后,给鱼翻个身, 中火烧至汤浓( 不要完全收干) 即可。




调料:高汤 2/3杯, 绍兴 酒1汤匙, 蒸鱼豉油2汤匙(根据个人咸淡喜好加减),糖1/2茶匙,


  1. 加热两2大匙油, 煸香葱姜蒜,下干辣椒(或辣椒酱)和豆豉翻炒,放煎好的鱼下去。

  2. 加下全部调料,大火炒开后转中火, 一边烧, 一边舀汤浇到鱼身上, 中火烧至汤基本收干即可。 




调料:高汤 1/2杯, 绍兴 酒1汤匙,盐, 糖1/2茶匙,


  1. 加热两2大匙油,把姜丝和洋葱煎出香味, 下鱼,番茄,

  2. 下全部调料,大火炒开后转中火加盐,料酒,加少量水或高汤,盖上盖儿用中小火煮10分钟左右,再加少许蒸鱼豉油,拌匀起锅。




调料:高汤1杯,绍兴 酒, 盐适量, 糖(根据个人口味加)


  1. 用1.5勺油炒香姜蒜, 接着下雪菜翻炒几下

  2. 放入调料煮开,放煎好的鱼下去盖盖中火焖5分钟, 翻一次身, 看汤汁快收干时熄火, 上盘。


做这个口味的鱼,可以干粉拍的略厚一点, 鱼是完全炸熟的,不是煎的。




调味料:番茄酱一勺,番茄酱半勺, 白糖1.5 - 2勺, 盐少许,料酒少许, 鸡汤1/3杯

把葱姜末用底油炒出香味,接着下番茄丁炒软之后, 加全部调味料,中火翻炒匀至滚,勾一点水淀粉大火烧开, 撒一把松子进去, 即可。



配料: 香菇,葱,姜,料酒, 蒸鱼豉油。

调料:高汤1/2杯, 绍兴酒1汤匙,蒸鱼豉油2汤匙,


  1. 把香菇用温水发好,洗净切块儿。

  2. 把鱼洗净擦干,用热油煎至两面金黄,捞出。

  3. 留少量油,把葱姜丝煸出香味后,下香菇翻炒几下,下鱼

  4. 加全部调料和少量水,盖上盖儿煮10分钟左右,起锅装盘。











Top foods that will boost your sex drive

Not only do some of these health foods keep the doctor away, but they just may make your lover stay. Now that we've sparked your curiosity, here are some of nature's finest foods to spice things up in the bedroom and help your libido.

Are oysters really a natural aphrodisiac?

The link between avocado and sex

How ginger can spice up your love life

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (© Rosemary Calvert/Getty Images)

More about dark chocolate:

It contains high amounts of vitamin A

It's loaded with antioxidants

It lowers blood pressure

Dark chocolate recipes


Go bananas! This tasty fruit is not only packed with many nutrients, but it also increases male libido, due to an enzyme called bromelain. They are also a good source of vitamin B, which provides energy and regulates sex hormones.

More about bananas:

They may prevent this

They contain high amounts of potassium

The can improve mood

Bake your own banana bread

Bananas (© Image Source/Getty Images)


Oysters are considered one of the most classic aphrodisiacs. They have amino acids that trigger sex hormones. They are also a great source of zinc , which aids in the production of testosterone. So, time to go shuck some shells!

Oyster (© Jonelle Weaver/Getty Images)

More about oysters:

They contain vitamin B12

They have high levels of iron

Oyster recipes

Types of oysters


Before heading to the bedroom with your partner, try dining at your local Mexican restaurant and ordering a side of guacamole. Avocados contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that increases male hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland) -- two elements that will enhance the sex lives of both men and women.

Avocado halves (© Lilli Day/iStock Exclusive/Getty Images)

More about avocados:

They lower cholesterol

History of avocados

Make your own guacamole


Ever notice that strong scent and taste of ginger when you go out for sushi? Try adding some on your spicy tuna roll next time. Ginger is a powerful stimulant that increases circulation. And once that blood starts flowing, everything starts heating up.

Ginger & tea (© IMAGEMORE Co., Ltd./Getty Images)

More about ginger:

It's a natural remedy for arthritis

It also eases nausea

Other benefits of ginger

Ginger recipes

Gingerbread cookie recipes


Morning, sunshine. Granola is not only a great source of whole grains for the most important meal of the day, but it may pay off later that night. This breakfast food is high in L-arginine (what's that?), which improves circulation. Evidence shows that L-arginine helps improve sexual function in men, which pays off for both parties.

More about granola:

The inventor of the granola bar

Make your own granola treats

More interesting nutrition facts

Granola cereal (© Foodie Photography/Getty Images)


Over the last few years, this "wonder food" has continued to make headlines in health-related news. Loaded with antioxidants, this miracle fruit is a huge aid in fighting cancer and many other major ailments. So, it comes as no surprise it is a super aid for your libido.

More about pomegranate:

It's loaded with vitamin C

What it may prevent

It fights the effects of aging

Ways to taste the good stuff

It's full of  nutrients

Pomegranate (© Martin Harvey/Getty Images)


Don't worry about having that piece of garlic bread on your next dinner date. It may be hard on your breath, but if you both enjoy it together, you may be sharing something special later. Garlic has high levels of allicin (what's that?), which is known to increase the blood flow to your body's reproductive organs.

Roasted garlic (© Ben Fink Photo Inc./Getty Images)

More about garlic:

Its fight against vampires

What it also fights

Can you get rid of garlic breath?

Make your own garlic bread